
“I have been attending Jules’ Circuits class and Personal Training sessions for about three years, like many I struggle for time and need to keep enthusiastic in terms of just ’turning up’ for classes or PT.  Jules combines energy, technique, variety and fun into all of her sessions and because of this you will never walk away without a smile on your face - even though you may be a little exhausted the endorphins always outweigh the fatigue.  Jules pushes me and encourages me to work harder and train more effectively on every session and I would never hesitate to recommend Jules and her classes to anyone of any age or ability. Nothing is ever too much trouble, no class is ever underprepared or without the correct, clean and latest equipment needed, her clients at each class all embrace the energy and enthusiasm she exudes, week-in, week-out.  I was once a committed gym-rat but I would now never go back to an indoor gym.  I cannot be thankful enough for Jules’ commitment to helping people keep fit”

- PAUL, 40

“I have been going to Jules classes for a few years and always loved them. During lockdown Jules quickly adapted her classes online to provide us all with much needed exercise and importantly support through the stressful months.  As a key worker I couldn't attend many classes and Jules kindly sent me home workouts tailor-made for me, with equipment I had or she provided. This helped me both physically and emotionally get through the weeks.  I was then unwell, this took a massive toll on my fitness and I was scared and disheartened exercising. My exercise tolerance had plummeted. When I felt ready to restart I asked Jules if I could have some PT sessions to get me back on track. Jules's approach is so personal and patient. She encouraged and pushed me with her training and advice and before long I was starting to see the benefits. Jules's knowledge is fantastic and she takes such a pride in her work. If you are considering starting training please give Greenapple Fitness a go”


I have been going to Green Apple Fitness Bootcamp classes for a number of years and I love them. The classes are designed so you can work to your own ability - my Mum comes along to them too and the same class suits us both. No two classes are the same so it doesn’t get boring and repetitive. Jule’s approach is relaxed and fun but with clear and focused fitness objectives. Totally recommend.


Jules's bootcamp and circuits classes are brilliant! Jules is motivational, without being pushy, and you can go at your own pace which helps confidence greatly. The classes are always well thought out and are a great combination of cardio, strength work and core. Would highly recommended!


Jules' bootcamp classes are so good. I can fit it in after school drop off and before work. it is a really friendly class where I get to meet lots of local lovely people and feel so good after the class. I was really scared to go the first time but there is no pressure whatever your age or fitness level and everyone is ever so supportive and friendly. There are young mums and grandmas and people bring their children if pre school and they enjoy an hour outside playing together. Jules makes the classes varied so you never get bored and she is attentive to each person's level and need. plus I always have a laugh. Highly recommend.


I’ve been a regular at Juliette’s circuits classes since she started 4 or so years ago and I love them! She knows just when to push you on and no 2 classes are the same. I feel stronger and fitter both physically and mentally - it helps enormously doing the classes with a good group of fun people too. Thanks Jules!


I have been attending Monday night circuits classes for six months. The classes are really good fun and a fantastic whole body workout. There’s a huge variety of exercises including boxing, kettle bells and HIIT and no two weeks are ever the same. I’m definitely feeling stronger and fitter. They are also really good value! Thank you Jules.


I attend Jules' bootcamp classes in Eversley park and I can't praise them highly enough. It's brilliant to be able to bring my youngest child along and he loves being outside playing for the hour. Jules plans each class really well so it never gets boring. She's brilliant at adapting the exercises if any of the group have injuries. The class is really sociable and no-one judges you for being unfit!

- carol

Juliette is amazing!  I have attended her circuits classes that on Monday and Wednesday evenings, since September and I am feeling better than I have done in years.  I started off very unfit but after a few sessions I'm already feeling stronger and less wobbly; and I'm using my inhaler less.  I couldn't recommend Juliette's classes enough.  Juliette has great ideas/advice on anyone wanting to work out, around an injury they have, and offers excellent advice when needed.  Thanks for all you do Juliette xx

- alison